Victor Makhluf and Dina Kahhat

Victor and Dina are second-generation Peruvian-Palestinians currently living in Peru. Victor’s father, Shukri, was born in Beit Jala and immigrated to Peru as a result of the Nakba of 1948. Dina’s father was an immigrant also from Beit Jala, Palestine, who migrated to South America in January 1951. Dina is Dr. Farid Kahhat’s sister and their mother was born in Peru to Palestinian immigrants. Victor and Dina have both traveled to Palestine multiple times, having difficult but meaningful experiences each time. The second time Dina went, she swore she would never return due to the harassment of the Israeli occupation, a story she tells in the following interviews. However, she ultimately did return a third time to accompany Victor on their honeymoon. Being Palestinian is core to who Victor and Dina are, and they are both deeply knowledgeable about the politics of the Palestinian cause.

Dina and Victor Discuss their Palestinian heritage and various trips to Palestine:

The International Court System and Zionism as Contrary to A solution

In this video, Victor and Dina explain the International Court System and what South Africa’s case against Israel actually entails. They refute the notion that Netanyahu is the only driving force of Israel’s occupation, apartheid system, and genocide, emphasizing that Netanyahu is simply a manifestation of the Zionist ideology, an ideology that is incompatible with freedom for Palestinians.

Victor’s experience at a Conference for Palestinians in Diaspora, The Rise of BDS, Recommended Sources, and Unpacking Zionist Propaganda

Third World Solidarity and Going to Protests

In this short clip, Victor and Dina discuss how Peru, in their eyes, is relatively welcoming to immigrants and doesn’t have as much Islamophobia as other, especially Western, countries. They also discuss solidarity with Palestine being widespread in the Third World because of a mutual sense of oppression and struggle.